Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hot Topic of the Month August 2008

Do you know how to get out or get help if you are in an abusive situation? It is various types of abuse including but not limited to verbal, mental, physical, and sexual. It can be a bully in school or a boyfriend beating you up or someone you trust touching you in an improper manner or someone sent you an soliciting email or even rape. Do you know the warning signs? Would you tell even if they tell you not to tell? Would you be scare to tell if they threatened you or your family if you told?


Ju Ju said...

Attached is a link to information on child abuse and 7 steps.

Please be safe!

Ju Ju said...

In the previous comment I posted a link for child abuse. The information I am posting now is for teens. Please check out these links.

Be safe!

Ju Ju said...

The more you know will lessen the chance of it happening to you or someone you know if you pass it on!

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network

Links on rape, acquaintance rape and incest.

Ju Ju said...

This link has warning signs and symtoms of abusive relationships. This is usually for women who are married or living with their mate but it has useful information that all females should know and be aware of.

Ju Ju said...

As this website theme says "Awareness is your best defense" Know who is in your community and who you are dating!

Here are a couple more...

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

I am an abuse survivor and here are my reflections. I still ask myself these questions. Why me? Why did this happen in my life? Why didn't someone protect me? What did I do to deserve what went on in my life? Why did others who knew not help us?
The impact of it all. The terror, hurt, and pain! It is so vivid even now years later. How and when will I ever be able to erase all that took place. Why was he allowed to get away with what he did to us?
I wish I was stronger. I wish I told. I wish I had somewhere safe to go or had someone to help me. Be stronger than me! Tell and get help! There is help out there now for anyone who needs it!

Anonymous said...

I wondered how i could have gotten involved with someone who treated me so badly. As a smart woman, educated, with friends and could I be in this situation? At the end of it i figured out that i had some issues- with not really thinking i was good enough and also with control.

It was hard to leave, and I did go back. Of course I left again and staying gone was hard for a while but then when I had time to heal and be by myself, without the stress of wondering what was gonna set him off this time...i realized my worth. And then I could appreciate the blessing of having escaped with my life. I realize that not everyone does.

If I can be of any assistance or support I am happy to help.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I've read some of the comments and it hurts my heart to hear that in addition to being abused, we blame ourselves. To all my sisters, regardless of the abuse suffered, it is not your fault. Bad parents, relationships or whomever the abuser was know what to say and do to manipulate your mind and your soul. Please know that if you're no longer being abused, then you're not only a survivor but you're a strong woman learning from the painful experiences of the past. Do not punish yourselves further, stand up and thank God you first survived but second because you're here sharing your story with those that are still suffering. Love and blessings to each and every one of you!


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to see you doing this. It's a hard time. I just lost someone a couple of weeks ago. She came for help, but changed her mind. She's now dead. We have to get more active. You can read the story at

Anonymous said...

When we start putting God First, loving ourselves NEXT and knowing who we are in God wonderully made without any mistake or fault then we won't allow anyONE to treat us less than the angels we are.

Every person needs to spend at the Least 6 months alone NO relationship just loving and spoiling themselves and to know its not others who make you or make you happy, but God and you, if you can't love and appreciate you no one else will

Ju Ju said...

A must read for all who are dating or soon to be dating.

We must learn how to protect ourselves.

The story is titled "How A Date Rapist Works" by Michelle Stacey, June 2008, Cosmopolitian, page 149.

Here is the link to the full story.