Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hot Topic of the Month - November 2008

Image is defined in Webster's Dictionary as a mental picture of something; conception; idea; impression. In this case the mental picture is the impression your image have left on someone mind. You only have one chance to make a first impression but everyday you have a chance to make a lasting impression. Your image is vital to your success and the realization of your dreams! To prove the many makeover shows are on television these days? Not that you just need to be beautiful or even pretty but these shows brings out the fact that you should also dress, talk, and improve yourself to be successful in life and to be taken seriously. Do you work on your image as part of your goals to be successful or to realize your dreams? Do you think your image is as important as education or experience? Do you know that your image carries over to your friendships and relationships and the success you have in them? Do you carry yourself with integrity, self-assurance, dignity, calmness and composure? Ask yourself how do your image reflect to others? Is it positive or negative? Looking at your own image, be honest, if you were someone else would you promote you or hire you or offer you a chance to represent the company you work for? Let us know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Image is everything. It is the first thing others see. You don't get a second chance to form a first impression.

It is quite evident that you never know who is watching and studying you. Therefore, one should always carry herself with dignity and self-confidence.

It is not about beauty, wearing trendy clothes, driving the right vehicle. It goes deepter than that. The first impression should incloude the total package. The total package includes your visual presentation, speech and attitude. The way you treat others, your compassion, is just as, if not more important, than the exterior facade we present.

As an attorney, when I am in court, I am constantly being viewed by others, potential clients, other attorneys, court staff and the judge. Whenever I appear in court I put my best foot forward. I aim to make a good impression in my professional demeanor and in my legal preparation to present my matter in a succinct and cogent way.

It is always a pleasant surprise to receive a comment from someone indicating that I made an impression on him/her. It is usually from someone that I was not necessarily aware of but they were aware of me. As stated, you never know who is watching you and whether you made a lasting impression.

Ju Ju said...

The company I work for had Kali Evans-Raoul of The Image Studios in for a mini seminar and she provided the following suggestions on image and the investment of improving your image.

Professional Presence Drives Business

Over the years I have had the pleasure of working with many different types of professional service companies.
Regardless of the industry, I have found that some of the most powerful behaviors and tactics of high performers are surprisingly similar and within everyone’s
reach. How do they consistently drive impressive results, and all the while make it look so easy? The best work smarter - they strategically use exposure and presence to easily build relevant relationships and grow their businesses.

Exposure simply means making yourself known to people.
How many client leads do you get each month? Corporate prospecting provides a solid foundation for building your book of business, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, your largest opportunity for pro actively
growing your business is to recognize the people that cross your path each day. Whether you are at a non-profit fundraiser or picking up your dry cleaning, the world is full of individuals that need financial services.
If you are not in the room alone, there is always an exposure opportunity. Recognize how many new people you can meet today, without any extra effort.
The challenge with exposure is that you can’t turn it off; you are always making an impression on someone. Whether it is good or bad, the impression that was made by an accidental meeting on the street will stick with a potential client for the duration of your relationship. I once consulted with a budding entrepreneur who was working to gain admission to a special grant program. She not only submitted the perfect application, she attended
to all of the required details to present herself as a successful and high-growth business owner. A few days later she walked into my office with a concerned look on her face. On a quick errand to Home Depot, she had bumped into one of the grant’s decision makers.
Self-conscious and dressed sloppily, her immediate impression did not reflect all of the work that she had put into her application. Ultimately she did not receive the grant. There is no way to know the full impact of the Home Depot incident, but she will always wonder.

The good news is that YOU can control the impression that you make. Within three seconds of your first interaction with a person, you will have either reinforced or undermined the Company brand. This is because your audience is taking in a lot of information very quickly – they see you, hear you, and notice what is around you. our audience responds to your full communication package - your words and presence. When it comes to expressing credibility, your presence speaks volumes.

Presence is the cumulative impact of your communication portfolio:

Visual image • (wardrobe, personal grooming)

Verbal capabilities• (vocal characteristics, speech)

Non-Verbal behaviors• (body language, eye contact, etiquette)

Spatial environment• (office, car, home).

Not sure what’s working for or against you? Ask. Seek feedback from your peers, direct reports, and leaders. Identify and collaborate with role models in the organization who possess specific communication strengths. Think of the people in your professional circle who write well, always look the part, have the gift of gab, or maintain an impressive office space. Use them as your personal advisory board or enlist the services of rofessionals. You are your strongest piece of marketing collateral, so do whatever it takes to create a presence that reinforces your brand and your own uniqueness!

Positive Body Language
1.) Make eye contact.
2.) Hold your head level.
3.) Keep your chin up.
4.) Sit straight in your chair, without slouching.
5.) Stand straight with both feet on the floor.
6.) Allow 18 inches of comfort space around you when conversing with others.
7.) Walk with grace and ease.
8.) Smile often.
- Power Etiquette What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Career by Dana May Caperson

Something truly amazing happens when you “live the brand” everyday. You make the most of every exposure opportunity, and get leads from unexpected sources. Your daily presence is aligned with value propositions. You constantly and effortlessly market to a group of prospects that would be difficult to reach using
any other method. And most importantly, you work smarter and close more business.

Kali Evans-Raoul is Founder and President of The Image Studios, a Chicago-
based consulting firm that specializes
in image communication. Kali holds a degree in chemical engineering
from Carnegie Mellon University
and carries 20 years of experience
in the personal care service industry. The Image Studios team provides leadership and professional presence training to organizations and individuals. To learn more call 312.421.4660 or visit The Image Studios