Monday, May 25, 2009

Hot Topic of the Month - May 2009

This month we start a series on Balancing Your Life. Balance in your life is so very important because without balance you can spread yourself to thin, work un-smart, and miss important time with family and friends.

I learned this concept many years ago and it has played an important part of keeping my life active, enjoyable, and together. My place of employment required that everyone that held certain job descriptions take Priority Management. Priority Management is a time management course. In this course it teaches you that planning of your time should include these six components of your life. The six components are Financial, Intellectual, Family, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. If you correctly plan your time and include all six components your life will be well adjusted, happy, healthy, and fulfilled. I have found this to be true because when I make and plan time for all six my life is at it best!

The financial part we covered in February, March and April. Intellectual, Family, Physical, and Social will be covered later this year. So we will cover Spiritual this month. What do I mean by spiritual? I mean how to live a spiritual life and what is involved in living a spiritual life. A spiritual life involves the folowing....

1) Drawing closer to a higher power (For example, in my case this means God!)
2) Seeking wisdom
3) Striving for growth
4) Deep connections with others
5) Tolerance and forgiveness of others

Making yourself a better person. Giving thought to your actions. Becoming the best you can be. Striving for gold. Or as Webster Dictionary states "characterized by the ascendancy of the spirit; showing much refinement of thought and feeling".

As you reflect on this I will add more in comments so look for updates by clicking on comments at the bottom of this post soon.

For more on Priority Management click on their website below

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary Divas We Are!

Divas We Are is celebrating our 1st Anniversary this month and we could not have done it without you. We are also celebrating our first major mark of hits to our sites. We have more than 1,000 hits!

Thank you so much and please continue to make Divas We Are sites the sites you come to for information, social, and blogging. Don't forget to share with your friends and family.

We hope that we have provided information that you can use to help you and your family. We also hope that we have encouraged you and showed you the possibilities that you can achieve.

Thank you again and God bless you and your family!

From Stephanie Jeffries
Founder of Divas We Are